Welcome to Find Local Produce

Find Local Produce is here to make it easier for you to find and source the best produce your area has to offer. Local produce includes everything from fresh fruit and vegetables, meat direct from the farm, veg box schemes, pick your own farms, farm shops, farmers' markets and artisan bakers.

By buying locally everyone, not just farmers and landowners, can contribute to ensuring that a well-managed countryside benefits wildlife and the environment.

Tell Bizzy Bee about Local Producers in your area

Local Food

Local Food

By buying local food or Drink, you can be sure that it hasn't travelled thousands of miles to get to your table ...

Farmers' Markets

Farmers' Markets

A farmers' market is a market where farmers, growers or producers from a defined local area ...

Farm Shop

Farm Shops

The farm shop and farm gate sales can offer good, fresh food at competitive prices...

Vegetable Boxes

Veg Box Scheme

A Veg Box Scheme is a delivery of fresh vegetables, usually locally grown and organic, either directly ...