March is National Nutrition Month In the USA

Created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in 1980, National Nutrition Month in the USA is 'an annual nutrition education and information campaign' with a focus 'on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits.'

For 2019, the Academy has placed emphasis on greater flexibility and diversity in terms of defining good nutrition. According to their website , “no one diet is right for everyone, so it's important to follow a healthful eating plan that's packed with tasty foods, and that keeps your unique lifestyle in mind.”

If eating a keto diet makes you feel good and has created a positive impact on your health, go for it. If following a vegan plan helps you feel strong and energised, keep going. If you prefer to eat from all four food groups to fuel your body, that’s fantastic. Make the choices that are right for you.

This seems like a great idea by our American cousins….something maybe to introduce in the UK.
