Vital Veg

We are an awarding-winning market garden, based at North Tillydaff Farm just outside Aberdeen. We provide sumptuous organic veg, delivered straight to your door. No need to buy a spade and venture into the garden, nor to head off on yet another of those tiresome shopping forays. Relax and put your feet up - we’ll do it all for you.

Is this your company?

Ever have that Too Much To Do feeling? Ever need to “veg out” so you can rest and recharge your batteries… but still get those Vital meals that Jamie Oliver and the Dinner Lady recommend? That’s how we felt too. Determined to reclaim some quality time and to get some quality veg into the bargain before the onset of old age we started growing our own organic veg. Food that goes straight from plot to pot, or plot to plate, depending on our mood and the veg in question – can’t beat it!

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Contact Details

Vital Veg
North Tillydaff
AB51 7LS