Fanfield Farm
We produce local food. Growing with the older hand tool methods that mean we don’t need huge tractors or 100’s of acres of land means we can get the food on to your plate fresher, faster and whilst improving the soil we grow in, and keeping our carbon footprint as low as possible.Is this your company?
Growing foods in the conventional way is causing us problems… with the taste of our veg, with the nutrients within them, with our enviroment and with our soils! To grow food in this way is no longer sustainable, and we have done so much damage it is no longer enough to farm sustainably… That’s why we farm regeneratively.. Giving more back to the soil and environement than we take at every stage.
Throughout the summer season of 2020 we provided seasonal veg boxes of beautiful veg, grown with regenerative practices. Completely chemical free.Why not check out other Local food and drink producers in Essex
Contact Details
Fanfield FarmThe Street
East Sussex
BN26 6RY