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Farmers' Markets in , find the best that has to offer.

We found 271 in that matched your search criteria.

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Ringwood Farmers' Market

Ringwood Farmers' Market

A Free Event! Enjoy the great taste of Hampshire, savour the delights of truly local food reared, grown, baked, caught & brewed in Hampshire. Home reared meats including buffalo and game, eggs, cheese, milk, ice cream, wine, beer, apple juice, bread, cakes, bakes, pickles, chutney's preserves, fruits and vegetables, wood and coppice goods. Seasonally produced from within Hampshire.

Location: Ringwood, Hampshire

Egremont Farmers' Market

Egremont Farmers' Market

Farmers Craft and Fair trade market takes place on the third Friday of each month in Egremont Market hall, Market st, Egremont.

Location: Egremont, Cumbria

Brampton Farmers' Market

Brampton Farmers' Market

Brampton Farmers' Market sells the best of local produce. Our traders are mostly the producers as well so you can find out all about the food and crafts at the market.

Location: Brampton, Cumbria

Sudbury Farmers Market

Sudbury Farmers Market

Sudbury Farmers' Market is one of the best town centre farmers' markets in Suffolk, attracting hundreds of shoppers through the doors every month.

Location: Sudbury, Suffolk

Huntly Farmer's Market

Huntly Farmer's Market

Held on the first Saturday every month, except January, in The Square, Huntly. All our stalls are based in North-East Scotland and are selling produce grown, reared, made or caught by small producers in the north-east. Hot food and hot drinks (and in summer freshly squeezed juices) are also on sale at the market.

Location: Huntly, Aberdeenshire

Cranbrook Farmers' Market

Cranbrook Farmers' Market

The market runs every fourth Saturday 9.30- 1.00 (3rd Saturday in December) at the historic Grade II listed Vestry Hall, on the corner of The High Street and Stone Street, Cranbrook.

Location: Cranbrook, Kent

Darlington Farmers' Market

Darlington Farmers' Market

A selection of food and produce from speciality traders from across the region. Every 1st Sunday of the month March - October

Location: Darlington, County Durham

St. Neots Farmers' Market

St. Neots Farmers' Market

St Neots Farmers Market is well established and has been in operation since 2002. The Market is accredited by FARMA, which recognises and supports local producers.

Location: St Neots, Cambridgeshire

Bedford Farmers' Market

Bedford Farmers' Market

Here at Bedford Farmers' Market, it's our mission to provide the community with high quality produce with excellent customer service. Being a family business we believe in the importance of honesty, integrity, and community service. We strive to be a positive leader in the fight for health and wellness.

Location: Bedford, Bedfordshire

West Hampstead Farmers' Market

West Hampstead Farmers' Market

West Hampstead Farmers' Market brings you fresh Essex coast fish, free range and organic meat and poultry and dairy and coffee from Brinkworth Dairy. In season we have fresh game, Pippins Orchard Essex apples, asparagus and cherries. Look out for regulars Perry Court Farm and Eden Farm veg, Wild Country organics seasonal veg and leaves, Brambletye biodynamic juice, fruit, veg, eggs and more and Millets Farm juice. There's hot food for breakfast and lunch, seasonal herbs and flowers and very friendly, knowledgeable stall holders.

Location: West Hampstead, London

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