Newport Farmers' Market
Farmers' Markets are for the more discerning shoppers, those who care about the origin of the food they eat. If you want to purchase quality produce that has been grown, reared, caught, brewed, pickled, baked or otherwise processed by the local stallholder, Island Farmers' Markets are the places to go. They give the public confidence in the origins of the foods and enable them to ask direct questions to the farmers and producers. Is this your company?Why not check out other Local food in Isle of Wight
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- Farm Meat in Isle of Wight
- Fish & Seafood in Isle of Wight
- Fruit & Veg in Isle of Wight
- Poultry & Game in Isle of Wight
- Preserves & Oils in Isle of Wight
Contact Details
Newport Farmers' MarketSt. Thomas' Square
Isle of Wight
PO30 1SG
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