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Farm Shops in East Lothian

Find Farm shops in East Lothian offering the best and freshest local food available, including farm gate sales in East Lothian. Farm Shops offer good, fresh food at competitive prices, direct from the farm.

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We have 2 Farm Shops in East Lothian listed.

Fenton Barns

Fenton Barns

We focus on fresh produce, so our range of fruit and vegetables is constantly changing. For example, we have British heritage tomatoes, raspberries, and strawbe...

Location: North Berwick,  East Lothian

Belhaven Fruit Farm

Belhaven Fruit Farm

East Lothian is famed for being Scotland's Food and Drink County and a visit to The Store will tell you why. We celebrate everything on our doorstep but go beyo...

Location: Dunbar,  East Lothian