By buying local produce, whether it be Food, Drink or Goods, you can be sure that your produce hasn't travelled thousands of miles to get to you, racking up its own carbon footprint along the way. It also means that you are not only supporting local businesses but, more often than not, you'll probably end up with much higher quality products for your money too!
We make a range of award-winning cow, sheep and goat milk cheeses on our family-owned farm in the beautiful West Sussex countryside. Our small team of cheesemak...
Locavore’s Big Plan sets out our ambition to scale up what we do to launch a large social enterprise grocery store which offers a viable alternative to supermar...
We're a not-for-profit organisation that prioritises local food, direct trade with farmers and community-scale food chains. Crop Drop is run by Haringey residen...
Porch Preserves is a social enterprise project. We produce a range of jams and chutneys using ingredients grown in our own allotments and orchards or donated to...
Manor Farm Fruits is situated in the picturesque village of Hints in Staffordshire, just 3 miles from Tamworth and 6 miles from Lichfield.
Spadework is a registered charity based on a five-acre site in Offham Kent. In 2019 Spadework celebrates 35 years of providing care, support and meaningful oppo...
Grow Wild was established in 1998 and has grown from a very small operation (run from a spare room in an Edinburgh flat), to a company with a great bunch of emp...
It goes to the heart of what happens here at Park Farm. We take a traditional approach both to how we raise and graze our small herd of 160 mainly Holstein Frie...
We at Greenbank Farm are specialist producers of fresh, healthy fruit and vegetables. Available for you to select direct from the plants, produce doesn't get an...
Bucksum produce is proudly served by several celebrity chefs as well as by local mums. A selection of seasonal produce is grown in Long Crendon on the Bucksum f...