Chichester Farmers' Market

Today the markets are held on the 1st and 3rd Friday each month in Chichester. Each market is attended by stallholders selling a wide variety of fresh quality produce.

Is this your company?

All our stallholders are required to grow, rear, bake, and/or preserve all their produce and are based within 30 miles of Chichester. The majority of our stallholders are primary producers offering a wide variety of meat, fruit, vegetables and eggs. Other types of produce include fish, cheeses, honey, cakes, chutneys and plants. In addition you will find a number of guest producers who provide specialities across the year.

We believe our markets are one of the best in the region all our stallholders have to comply with the following conditions to attend:

  • All produce must be grown, reared, caught, brewed, pickled, baked, smoked or processed by the stallholder
  • The stallholder must be from the local area
  • All processed food must contain a minimum of 30% local ingredients where possible

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Contact Details

Chichester Farmers' Market
East St and North St
West Sussex
PO19 1HD