Maidenhead Farmers' Market
Maidenhead Farmers' Market can verify that all the producers sell only their own produce which has been grown, reared, caught, baked, brewed or smoked on their own premises from locally sourced ingredients.Is this your company?
We offer fresh, quality, local produce from stallholders who are approachable and knowledgeable about their products - if they're not, then let us know! One of the best things about shopping at the market is that you can actually talk direct to the producers of your food. Recent food scares and misleading food labelling have led to people taking more interest in food issues generally. And, as a customer, you will appreciate the difference in shopping experience compared to a supermarket. A chore becomes a pleasure!
Why not check out other Local food and drink producers in Stirlingshire
Contact Details
Maidenhead Farmers' MarketGrove Road Car Park