By buying local produce, whether it be Food, Drink or Goods, you can be sure that your produce hasn't travelled thousands of miles to get to you, racking up its own carbon footprint along the way. It also means that you are not only supporting local businesses but, more often than not, you'll probably end up with much higher quality products for your money too!
Radford Mill is a 112 acre farm managed organically since 1976. The Cam Brook runs down the middle of the farm, and so does the Somerset Coal Canal ! About 90%...
We are a third-generation, family bakery based in Southborough, Kent. We bake a large selection of traditional and speciality breads including rye, spelt, herb,...
Emmett’s is the oldest artisan ham and bacon producer in the UK. Established in 1820, family owned and still operating from the same premises in the same Suffol...
Only the best will do. Our fresh meats are aged in the time honoured way for the ultimate taste experience. We’ve been doing this for a while! We pride ourselv...
We produce traditional cheeses made with unpasteurised organic milk sourced from our own dairy herd, where we keep the calves with their mothers to suckle. Rain...
We are a family run business established in 1973 as a Fruit Farm. The Farm Shop was opened in 2000 followed by the Coffee Shop in 2010. We are located in a smal...
The Growing the Veg Box project has been preparing veg, fruit and salad to hundreds of customers across Torfaen for almost 7 years. We’re part of the Garnsychan...
Our aim is to provide a weekly veg box sourced from organically grown food here in the Tywi Valley. We are trying to achieve this through our Fferm Glytwaith...
Established in 1989, Portway Farm Shop provide Home-Reared and local meats. Beef straight off our farm, Lamb, Pork, Free-Range Chicken and Free-Range Duck with ...
Our lovely British Toggenburg goats produce deliciously creamy milk which is ideal for cheese making. Sarah has been developing a range of cheeses as well as th...